How Can Divorce Mediation Benefit My Child?

There’s no two ways about it – divorce is hard. And many people know from experience that divorce is even harder when there are children involved. Regardless of what terms the relationship ended on, most all parents want what is best for their child. So what are best practices when it comes to getting a […]

3 Common Regrets after Divorce

Often times, when two people are in the midst of divorce, one or both parties just want to get the process over with. The longer the divorce is drawn out, the longer it takes it pick up the pieces and begin the next chapter of life. Some divorces are relatively amicable and smooth, but many […]

What Makes Divorce So Expensive?

Getting a divorce can be a stressful and frustrating experience for everyone involved. On top of the emotional stress both parties can face, there are logistical challenges of dividing property, moving, and determining custody arrangements and establishing co-parenting strategies. Unfortunately, exorbitant legal expenses often get added to this list of stressors. Divorce does become very […]

What are the Benefits of Uncontested Divorce?

Everything these days revolves around convenience, from the technology we use to the clothes we wear. In many ways, this is a good thing — but there are still many areas of life that seem hopelessly complicated. For a lot of people, divorce seems to fall into this category — especially when there are so […]

Is Collaborative Divorce a Real Option?

uncontested divorce in wyckoff nj

When you think of the word ‘divorce,’ what comes to mind? For most people, the word carries a sense of conflict, struggle, even bitterness. The end of a marriage can involve disputes over child custody, co-parenting, and of course money. As both partners prepare to move into a new phase of life, each has to […]

How Does Divorce Mediation Work?

Divorce is a fact of life for millions of Americans. Whether you live in New Jersey or another state, it’s obvious that people are going through divorce all the time. Some of your friends have probably been through it. You hear about it on TV, in the news, in your favorite TV shows and movies. […]

Divorce is a difficult time but mediation can help divorce be amicable

Coffee with Marci | Jann Bate Catto of TLC Mediation Welcome to Coffee with Marci. My mission is to bring entrepreneurs and non-profits a voice and today we get to hear from Jann Catto from TLC Mediation. Welcome! Thank you. It’s so nice to be here. We are live here in Wycoff. I want to […]

How to Get a Divorce in New Jersey Without a Lawyer

It’s surprising how quickly divorce can come about. In many cases, both parties have been considering it for quite some time — but other divorces come about suddenly. People don’t always have time to prepare for the realities of this change — especially the legal processes, financial arrangements, and child-custody issues that come into play. […]

3 Ways to Make Your Divorce Easier

Nobody said divorce was going to be easy, but does it really have to be so difficult? This is a question that so many people end up asking when help a friend through divorce, or face divorce for themselves. The process is notorious for being long and difficult — but it’s also important to realize […]