Debunking 5 Myths Stopping Couples from Starting Mediation
Some people anticipating a separation or divorce think or may have heard through the grapevine, about necessary prerequisites to starting divorce mediation. You know how the grapevine is. You can’t rely on everything they say being correct. So I thought it would be helpful to clarify 5 of the most frequently heard mythical statements given […]
Building Tolerance for Uncertainty During Divorce
The article, Building Tolerance for Uncertainty During Divorce was written by Melissa Kalil and was published in
Architect of Change Show – Divorce Mediation, an Affordable Option
The audio file above is The Architect of Change Show with your host, Connie Whitman discussing divorce and the splitting of assets with Jann Bate Catto from TLC Medation. Change is hard for most humans. But the change in one’s marital status can be monumental … and painful. So many factors are in play, […]
How Being Single After Divorce May Improve Your Life
The article, How Being Single After Divorce May Improve Your Life was written by Paisley Hansen and was published in
Divorce Mediation: Is it Right for You?
Separation and divorce are among the most painful and disruptive events an individual and family can experience. As a divorced (and remarried) mother of three, I know all too well the devastating emotional and financial impact the process can have on every member of the family. For many couples, mediation can be the difference between […]
Helping Clients Rebuild After Separation or Divorce by Lindsey Phillips, published in Counseling Today
The article, Helping Clients Rebuild after Separation or Divorce was written by Lindsey Phillips and was published in Counseling Today.
A Guide to Tips on Communicating With Your Spouse During a Divorce by Sylvia Smith, published by
The article, A Guide to Tips on Communicating with your Spouse during a Divorce was written by Sylvia Smith and was published in
Point C is a 5 minute fable about a child of divorcing parents, Story, Music & Lyrics by former NJ Superior Court Judge Lawrence R. Jones
This short YouTube video is written by former superior court judge Lawrence R. Jones and focuses on how parents can unintentionally harm their child’s emotional health and welfare.
A Guide to New Year’s Resolutions by Carla Hugo, published by
The article, A Guide to New Year’s Resolutions was written by Carla Hugo and was published in
Simply Divorce
Exploring Your Divorce Options, October 3, 2019. Listen to Panel Discussion with divorce experts.