Is Divorce Mediation Expensive?
When you think of a “bad divorce,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For most people, it could be one of two things: Child custody issues, and money. These are the two more thorny issues when it comes to divorce, and it’s obvious why. When there is a bitter disagreement about child custody, […]
5 Benefits of Divorce Mediation
Even if you’ve heard of divorce mediation, you’re probably not too clear on what the advantages actually are. Most of us have either been through a divorce or know someone who has, yet there is still a lot of misinformation out there about how divorce can actually be accomplished. Sure, there is the “traditional” method […]
Is it Possible to Keep Divorce Out of the Courtroom?
One of the most popular perceptions about divorce is that it’s a painful and messy process. The very word ‘divorce’ often triggers these types of images in people’s minds, since so many divorces have gone that way throughout the years. We think of bitter financial disputes, child custody battles, all the other tough issues involved […]
How to Approach Your Partner About Collaborative Divorce
To say that divorce involves sensitive feelings and issues is, in the majority of cases, an understatement. Most of us have either seen a friend or loved one go through a divorce, or have been through one ourselves. It’s obvious that this is not an easy life event. There are deep-seated emotions, in addition to […]
What are the Most Common Mistakes Made During Divorce
People make mistakes. That’s one of the most common and important lessons in life. It’s also a very common message of divorce. No marriage is perfect, and there importance of compromise can’t be stressed enough. But sometimes, after a lot of effort, it becomes clear that remaining in the marriage is no longer constructive for […]
3 Ways to Make Your Divorce Less Painful
Most people agree that divorce is never easy. There’s always some measure of pain or disappointment involved, even when both parties feel completely ready to go through with the process of divorce. It’s also true than many people know someone who’s been through a really tough divorce. People often worry that when they go through […]
We’re Getting Divorced: Is Collaborative Divorce an Option?
Nobody gets married thinking that the relationship will definitely end in divorce. Couples are optimistic that the marriage will last indefinitely, and as time goes by, they do their best to make that a reality. For some, the marriage works. But in other cases, it so happens that they reach a fork in the road, […]
The 2 Biggest Divorce-Related Financial Mistakes
No marriage is perfect, and many reach a point where the marriage itself is standing in the way of a new beginning for both parties. We all know how common divorce is, but what we may not know is that in many cases, it’s a lot more difficult than it has to be. In other […]
Why Do I Need a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst?
Nobody dreams of getting a divorce, but when it does happen, we all hope for an amicable process that doesn’t take too long, and perhaps more importantly, doesn’t cost too much. The interpersonal side of divorce (especially if children are involved) is already stressful. When you add financial disputes, and/or a financial settlement that is […]
Two Rivers Women In Business Consortium Forum on Sept 20, 2017
Jann Bate Catto, a certified divorce financial analyst, was an invited panelist on an impressive forum of respected leaders in the financial services industry. The event was held at Café La De Da in Middletown, NJ and was hosted by Debbie Jurek- Downie.